
International No Diet Day

International No Diet Day

It’s International No Diet Day – Celebrate with Dr. Dorie! Today is “International No Diet Day.” This is an opportunity to say NO to diet-deprivation, NO to scale-stepping, and NO to weight-worries!  Just for today, what would it be like to give yourself permission to have a “forbidden food,” in a safe and enjoyable way? …

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Don't Diet - EDIT™!

Don’t Diet – EDIT™!

Learn about the five principles of EDIT™ and how these can guide the achievement of a healthy weight — without destructive diets. EDIT™ was developed by Dr. Dorie McCubbrey, and she has been dubbed by her clients as the “Don’t Diet Doctor” because one of her clients…

Will Eating Fat Make Me Fat?

My name is Janelle Hunt, MS, RD – and I’m a Registered Dietitian who specializes in the treatment of eating disorders. In my last two blogs, I discussed how essential it is to consume carbohydrates and protein. Now let’s look at the last vital macronutrient, fat. Yep, the forbidden word, fat!

Sugar Craving: Why Am I Constantly Eating Sweets?

Do you constantly crave sweets? Do you try to avoid sugar, but eventually binge? Do you wonder if you have a sugar addiction? We are constantly bombarded with conflicting nutrition messages; “Eat only foods that are fat-free or low-fat,” “Consume high fat food and lots of protein,” “Avoid all carbohydrates,” “Everyone should follow a Paleo diet,” etc. Let’s step away from the fad diet band wagon for a moment, and consider why it’s important to consume all nutrients in moderation – including carbohydrates…

Fitness Modeling and Eating Disorders

Fitness Modeling and Eating Disorders

There are many things about the world of fitness modeling that makes an eating disorders therapist cringe. Most notably, there’s the very strict dieting, and also the large amount of time spent on intensive workouts at the gym. Less obvious – but extremely concerning – are the body image issues that arise from quests for physical perfection…

New Years Resolution: Don’t Diet!

It’s the New Year – and according to Time Magazine, 39.6% of people surveyed set a resolution to lose weight this year. According to the Center for Disease Control, more than one-third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S. adults are obese (BMI ≥ 30). Some of the health risks commonly associated with obesity include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. Many people who are overweight or obese want to lose weight as a means of reducing these risks.
