International No Diet Day

International No Diet Day

It’s International No Diet Day – Celebrate with Dr. Dorie!

Today is “International No Diet Day.” This is an opportunity to say NO to diet-deprivation, NO to scale-stepping, and NO to weight-worries! 

Just for today, what would it be like to give yourself permission to have a “forbidden food,” in a safe and enjoyable way? Think of a food that you truly love, but try not to eat, because you tell yourself, “I can’t stop once I start eating ______, so I’ll just stop eating it.” The next thing you know, the food that you consider OK to eat is very limited, and most of it you dislike, but you tell yourself, “It’s worth it to keep eating this way, because I don’t overeat now, and I’m losing weight!” Until you realize you can’t eat “this way” any longer, and you “give in” to your food cravings, over-indulging in all of the foods that you’ve deprived yourself of. We always want what we “can’t have.” Then, one cookie becomes too many, because 100 is not enough. However, if you CHOOSE to have a cookie, and pick out ONE from a local bakery that is your FAVORITE, and then you sit with a friend who is also enjoying her delectable delight – suddenly you experience the freedom with food that you truly yearn for!

Just for today, what would it be like to NOT step on the bathroom scale? Or, if you have already checked that number, what would happen if you didn’t allow it to define you? You are so much more than a number! If you stop and really think about it, does the scale ever let you have a good day? If the number states the same (or Heaven forbid goes up), then you berate yourself, and vow to be even more disciplined with your diet. Even if the number goes down, you might feel a moment of success, which quickly fades way as you shift into panic about how you’ll be able to keep losing weight, and eventually maintain the weight you lose. So, no matter what you weigh, you don’t have a good day. And eventually, you become like 95% of dieters, who regain weight they lose, usually ending up weighing more than when they started the latest diet. This is a phenomenon known as “diet-induced obesity,” caused by rebound weight gain in response to chronic dieting. 

Just for today, what would it be like to let go of your weight worries? Maybe your Mother keeps telling you that you should lose weight (sorry to point fingers, all of you Moms out there). Or your doctor (see Mom? It’s not all your fault!) – or SOCIETY’S STANDARDS. Who set these anyway? Who decided that fashion models, actresses, or media stars portray ideal beauty? From curvy Marilyn Monroe to stick-thin Twiggy, how should women look? What if the way each of us looks RIGHT NOW it exactly the way we “should” look? We each can set our own “ideals,” based on being our True Self! And, for the doctors out there, who set the BMI (Body Mass Index), and decided that patients “should” be a “normal” weight as determined by the BMI standard? There can be “Health At Every Size” (HAES®) – and for the science behind this, LEARN MORE HERE

I hope that my diet-free message inspires you to LIVE FREE – even if it’s just for today! If you’re HUNGRY for MORE of my “DON’T DIET DITTIES,” join me for these special events and offers: 

  • May 6th @ 2:15pm (EASTERN time):  FACEBOOK LIVE
    Did you miss it? Click the link to watch the recording!
  • May 6th @ 8-9pm (EASTERN time): FREE GROUP CALL
    Did you miss it? Click the link to get the recording!
  • 50% OFF Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ ORDER NOW
    Downloadable Self-Help Program – SPECIAL PRICE TODAY ONLY
  • FREE with any EDIT™ Certified Registration SIGNUP NOW
    Get Dr. Dorie’s UnDiet™ download – FREE GIFT TODAY ONLY


Article may be reprinted with the author bio below.

©2019 by Dr. Dorie McCubbrey. Dr. Dorie is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Licensed Addiction Counselor who is passionate about training professionals to effectively guide clients in recovery from eating disorders, through her Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy (EDIT)™ Certified program. She also meets with clients at her treatment center, Positive Pathways PLLC, located in Evergreen Colorado. Learn more at:


Want more that this “taste” of EDIT™? Dr. Dorie is passionate about her method of Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy (EDIT)™ to help people overcome eating disorders and addictions.  She provides customized counseling for eating disorders and alcohol / drug addiction at her Positive Pathways treatment center in Evergreen, Colorado – and EDIT™ eating disorder training and certification for coaches and clinicians worldwide. CALL 303-494-1975 – EMAIL DR. DORIE – GET CERTIFIED
