Peer Support Specialist – EDIT™ Certified

Peer Support Specialist – EDIT™ Certified

Want to know how to help someone with an eating disorder?

Do you have a desire/passion to want to help someone with an eating disorder?

Do you have Recovery Experience?... Which can be: your own personal recovery, or supporting the recovery of a loved one with an eating disorder.

The ROLE of an EDIT Peer Support Specialist 

A Peer Support Specialist is a mentor who understands the challenges and potential consequences of eating disorder behaviors, and has accomplished the goal of “healing from the inside-out.”

No matter your stage of eating disorder recovery, when helping someone with an eating disorder, encouragement and guidance from people who have long-term successful recovery experience is beneficial.

This is a role similar to that of a “Sponsor” in drug/alcohol recovery.  It is important to feel connected to someone by the things you have in common.  A Support Specialist, like sponsor, has walked in the shoes, experienced the same challenges.  They willing to “walk alongside” another who is beginning their journey to eating disorder recovery.


In addition to the connection or chemistry you may feel with someone, you must also be engaged in an EDIT certified program. They must be trustworthy, and available for contact at pretty much ALL times!!

Other important qualities include:

  • Giving honest feedback
  • Respecting confidentiality
  • Having a positive attitude
  • Having integrity
  • Having and sharing experiences that speak to your own experience
  • Offering encouragement, attention, and advice
  • Being good at solving problems and setting goals

An EDIT certified Peer SS is intended to be a peer mentor and should not become your best friend or someone you hang out with in a personal setting.  While you do want to connect with a sponsor you enjoy being around… Building a strong bond of trust and open, clear communication that can enhance your recovery is the most important quality.  With all relationships in your life, including the one with your EDIT Support Specialist, you must set healthy boundaries.

Becoming an EDIT Certified Peer Support Specialist

Decades of studies surrounding Drug and Alcohol recovery programs have proven the success of Peer Sponsors, Peer Mentorship, and Peer Support.  It is about time the millions that suffer from eating disorders reap the same benefits as these programs!  Dr. Dorie’s many years as a drug and alcohol counselor have led her to pioneering this ground breaking addition Eating Disorder Therapy.  Her Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Certification program IS how to help someone with an eating disorder!

If you have a passion for helping someone with an eating disorder, and have helped another through their struggle, or successfully recovered from an eating disorder yourself…

feel the rewarding, soul fulfilling benefits of becoming an EDIT Certified Peer Support Specialist.
