“Forgive them father for they know not what they do”  Jesus
It is a quote that has helped me move through forgiveness and release the hurt from others.  It allows my inner wisdom to shine over the hurt and realize we may all be acting or speaking from our own place of unresolved pain.  We all want love, and this allows me to find it.  I hope it helps you, too!

Joanna Chodorowska, holistic sports nutritionist

Joanna K Chodorowska is a holistic sports nutritionist, an inflammation expert, author, speaker, ordained minister, founder of Nutrition in Motion, athlete and lover of life.  She guides athletes to embrace their body and life with more love and joy so they perform better in life, relationships and their sport.

Joanna discovered through her own healing journey from adrenal exhaustion and arthritic hips, that the body can heal naturally given the right tools.   Nutrition is the fuel the body, mind and soul need. She incorporates real food nutrition with anti-inflammatory, stress management and mindful principles.   Joanna works to identify where the stress and inflammation are hiding, and works to release the resistance so your body can ignite its own natural healing process.

She provides more than hope for you to get back to the active life with more love for your body, your food, your past and of who you are!  A great life is based on fueling whole body health, mind and soul with love beyond your sport.

She can be reached at www.nutrition-in-motion.net

The body can heal given the right tools.  Real food nutrition, stress management and listening to your inner voice are the keys to igniting your body’s natural healing abilities.

  • Pronouns: she
  • Languages: English, Polish, French
  • Client Ages: 14-72
  • Populations: athletes
  • Session Types: holisitic nutrition, prayer, coaching - in person or video

sports nutrition, auto-immune issues, GI distress, eating disorder recovery, weight issues, body image, poor recovery/ frequent injuries, blood sugar management and learning how to fuel the body, mind and soul!


GI distress, SIBO, Crohn’s & Colitis, eczema, etc
extreme fatigue
eleveated A1C and crp
chronic pain, arthritis
auto-immune issues – lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, etc
