Today’s a good day to start making a difference in your own life.

Eric Pothen

Eric Pothen is a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach. Eric struggled with an eating disorder for several years. Today, he uses these struggles as his fuel to raise awareness around and help people on their recovery journey with eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image. Eric also strives to create greater awareness around men struggling with these problems.

As an Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Eric helps meet individuals where they are at in their recovery journey and equips them with the skills and tools to help them remain grounded in their recovery. He leads people back to their True Selves and helps them find worth in who they are, apart from their bodies, and discover confidence within.

As an Integrative Wellness and Life Coach, Eric helps individuals who feel “stuck” in life move towards balance by helping them achieve life goals. He approaches wellness from a holistic perspective and focuses on one’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing throughout the process. Eric is the owner and founder of an apparel company, “Embrace Wear” and host of the podcast “Embracing You.” Their missions are to help others embrace themselves and discover beauty and self-worth within.

The road to recovery is the road back to your True Self. You are worthy of taking the journey within to reconnect with and rediscover the love that you have for yourself.

  • Pronouns: He/Him/His
  • Languages:
  • Client Ages:
  • Populations: Adults, Adolescents, Youth, LGBTQ+
  • Session Types:
  • Eating Disorder Recovery
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Anti-Diet
  • Body Positivity / Body Neutrality
  • Self-Love / Self-Compassion
  • Navigating body image within the LGBTQ+ community
  • Finding and cultivating authenticity by owning your story
