Written words listen,
feed me back to me
one bite at a time,
begin to form
an outline of
a self.
from “Tell Me More”
Hunger Speaks
a memoir told in poetry
©2010 Carolyn Jennings
Carolyn Jennings
Journaling became an essential life tool for Carolyn Jennings when she was a patient in an eating disorder clinic. Her thirty years of living in recovery from binge eating disorder have been fueled by her ongoing practice of uncovering her authentic self on the blank page, a self stronger than disordered eating. As the author of an awardwinning memoir told in poetry, Hunger Speaks, and a Journal to the Self® Certified Instructor since 2008, she guides others to use expressive writing techniques to go beyond the story of who they think they are and what they think they know. Carolyn facilitates journal-writing groups in the Denver-Boulder area. One of her specialties is guiding women into peaceful relationships with their bodies based on love and trust. She chooses to accept her own perfectly imperfect body (by putting her thoughts on a diet!). Carolyn’s passion is using expressive writing as a tool for transformation and wholeness, and this fits perfectly with the principles of EDIT™, based on releasing the false self and recovering the True Self. Described as “passionate and nurturing,” Carolyn brings writing tools to group settings and can work individually with anyone anywhere via cyberspace.
- LOCATION: United States
Private Office
Westminster, CO
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