Make a Life, Make a Living, Make a Difference.
Lara Loverro
Lara began her journey in the health and wellness industry in 2008 working as a personal trainer. The more and more she worked with her clients and struggled with her own diet mentality & beauty myths, she became glaringly aware of the harm that the diet & fitness industries were causing. She knew that nutrition & movement were important, but they were only a fraction of the tools required to reach true health. Lara is the Founder of Nourished YOU, a health & life coaching practice. She is a Certified Health Coach and a Mastery Level Transformational Coach through Health Coach Institute. She is also a certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach through Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy (EDIT)™ as well as an Intuitive Eating Counselor by the Original Intuitive Eating Pros, Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch. She works with clients around food, body image, and mindset so they can gain a sense of freedom and focus on what they truly value in their life. Lara is passionate about supporting her clients in recovery from all types of disordered eating.
- LOCATION: United States
Private Address
Westchester, NY
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