Beauty starts
in your head,
not in your mirror.
You have not ended up
on this website by luck.
Weigh your options,
not your self worth.
Just for today, you can.
Gaëlle Vogt
Gaëlle has a BA in Business Administration and graduated from Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition (Vancouver, BC, Canada) as a Registered Health and Nutrition Coach (RNC-II), with a major in Sport Nutrition. Soon to become a Registered Aromatherapist, Gaëlle has discovered the power of plants and their impact on the body and mind; which she uses to help clients on their eating recovery process. Gaëlle is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and practices all types of exercises & activities. She practices a holistic approach to health and wellness, incorporating emotional, spiritual and physical health to create a state of well-being for optimum health. Gaëlle works with her clients to create happy, healthy lives in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding!
- LOCATION: United States
Private Office Location
Vancouver, BC
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