Recovery begins where control ends.
Kris Pina
Kris Pina, MA is Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a Health at Every Size (HAES) Nutritionist. Kris specializes in helping people overcome binge eating, destructive dieting, emotional overeating, orthorexia, night eating syndrome and other types of disordered eating through a combination of Intuitive Eating counseling, EDIT™ Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy coaching, body image mentoring and other non-diet approaches to health and wellness. Based on client experiences (and her own story of recovery from over 30 years of disordered eating!) Kris is confident that regardless of how many years you’ve been suffering from dieting, disordered eating and/or a negative body image, full recovery IS possible. She also believes that even small changes in your relationship to food, exercise and your body can lead to big improvements in your relationships, your personal sense of well-being and your overall quality of life. Kris has a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas Tech University, a Master’s Degree from the University of Hawaii and over 20 years’ experience as a trainer, consultant and coach. She works with clients face-to-face in the Austin, Texas Metroplex and by phone or Skype with clients in in the rest of the country/world.
- LOCATION: United States
Soma Vida Wellness Center
2324 E Cesar Chavez
Austin, TX 78702
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